EASTER FIXTURES: Clubs agree to move match dates

Carlisle United’s Easter weekend will look very different this April with both Southend United and Scunthorpe United agreeing to slip their respective fixtures with us by a day.

Add into the mix that Morecambe also played their part (they have agreed to move their Easter Monday home game against Southend to the Tuesday) and you can see how complicated these little manoeuvres can get.

So, what exactly are we on about?

For Carlisle United, the Easter weekend now looks like this:

Southend United v Carlisle United, Saturday 3 April, kick off 1pm

Carlisle United v Scunthorpe United, Tuesday 6 April, kick off 6.30pm

[Southend away moved from Friday 2 April]
[Scunthorpe home moved from Monday 5 April]

This, of course, irons out the bump caused by the original game dates and leaves the Blues with a clear run of Saturday-Tuesday fixtures from now until the end of time [or the end of the season, anyhoo].

Club secretary Sarah McKnight said: “We have to say thank you to everyone at Southend, Scunthorpe and Morecambe.

“As we explained last week, changing kick off timings can be complicated enough, so moving the actual fixture date often needs more than just the clubs involved in the game to make it doable.

“In this case Morecambe have had to accommodate the request from Southend which allows that match to be moved to the Tuesday, and everything else was able to fall in place from there.

“The EFL were excellent, they were comfortable as long as we agreed it would work for all four clubs, and the outcome is that we made an extremely busy period slightly easier in terms of preparation and recovery for the players.

“Thank you once again to the EFL, Southend, Scunthorpe and Morecambe.”

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