CUOSC: Introducing the Carlisle REUnited fund

‘Carlisle REUnited’ is a campaign being launched by CUOSC today to support the Blues through the Coronavirus crisis.

With lower league football in peril the aim is to help the club in its ‘hour of need’ as we eventually emerge from the pandemic.

We want to reconnect, refocus and reenergise fans and sponsors to make sure we still have a great club to support.

CUOSC recognise we are in this for the long haul and there will be other initiatives to follow.

But we will start by setting up a ‘Carlisle REUnited’ fighting fund that will target assisting the club to get back on its feet next season, whenever that might be.

Noone knows for sure, but it looks likely it will begin behind-closed-doors and that will leave United facing a major financial challenge.

There are no guarantees our main backers will be able to support us throughout the entire crisis – meaning there is a genuine need for extra help.

Without the assistance of the fan base and the local community there is a chance we might not survive.

The ‘Carlisle REUnited’ campaign has the support of other Carlisle United supporters' groups and is welcomed by chairman Andrew Jenkins and chief executive Nigel Clibbens.

Some people are grieving and others suffering hardship as a result of Covid-19, however, we have a strong fan base that loves and values the club.

Many supporters have already expressed a desire to help financially.

CUOSC believe we cannot stand by.

With representatives on the club’s boards we are in a unique position to lead the project.

We can also ensure there is full transparency on how the money is spent.

Back the Blues by backing ‘Carlisle REUnited’.

To find out more details or if you would like to donate to the fighting fund go to our web page at

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