#GOODVIBRATIONS: Share your poster piccie with us

The #GoodVibrations poster we put together at the beginning of the week is starting to appear in more and more places as we all look forward to what we hope will be a bumper crowd for the visit of Leyton Orient later this month [Saturday 21 March].

And we want to see how you’ve displayed your poster – hopefully as imaginatively as possible – so that we can build up a gallery of #GoodVibrations images as we spread the word about cut-price match ticket prices and our fabulous ticket donation scheme, where individuals or businesses can purchase tickets to be given to schools or groups of their choice, to allow them to attend the game.

So, download the poster and get it in pride of place – and send us a piccie on social media [tag us] of you either putting it up, or when it’s on display.

If you don't have printing facilities, you can collect a poster from the Pioneer ticket office here at Brunton Park. 

We’ll give you a retweet on social media, or you’ll be loud and proud on our extremely popular Facebook page.

And we’ll then take your picture and place into our #GoodVibrations poster gallery, which will appear later this week on the official website.

Click HERE to download the #GoodVibrations poster.

Click HERE to learn more about the #GoodVibrations ticket donation scheme (towards the end of the article).

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