CUMBRIA: Three key messages when visiting the Lakes

For those visiting Cumbria / the Lake District there are three key messages:

We ask those that are coming to the county to visit safely and respect the rules, our communities and the risks.

Respect our local communities
• Be considerate and don’t do things that increase the risk or cause problems for local people, particularly the vulnerable: avoid using paths through farmers’ yards; keep your dog on a lead and take your litter home.
• Plan ahead and avoid busy places: use to park safely and considerately and avoid the more popular destinations.
• Bring your own food and drink to avoid pressure on local shops.
• Don’t behave in an anti-social manner.

Respect the risk
• Cumbria continues to record new cases of the virus every day and the threat has not gone away
• Don’t take risks on the fells, on the water or on the roads. Stay within the limits of your ability and equipment at all times.
• If you get into trouble help may take longer to arrive and you will put unnecessary additional pressure on local health and emergency workers as well as volunteer mountain rescue and coastal rescue services.

Respect the rules
• Observe all of the Government’s social distancing rules.
• No overnight stays, no camping, no visiting second homes.
• Avoid crowds.
• Wash your hands regularly.

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