CARLISLE REUnited: Sing-a-long as you pledge your support

Blues fans are being encouraged to ‘sing-along’ to help the club.

CUOSC have launched a 'Carlisle REUnited' campaign and are promoting it with a disc made to celebrate United's finest hour – winning promotion to the old First Division in 1974.

A recording of ‘Looking Good – We’re Carlisle United’ has been unearthed on YouTube and the supporters club wants fans to pledge donations now for when it reaches 3,000 views.

Actor Tim Barker, who sang and wrote the lyrics for the song, said: “It was terrific to be involved with at the time. It was a nail-biting season and it was stunning when Carlisle went up.

“But football’s not all about success – it's about supporting your local team. It’s about the community. This is a fun idea and I hope it is a big success."

While producer and composer Andy Titcombe added: “I recall Woolworths put in an order for 200 copies and we thought we had a No.1 hit on our hands.”

The campaign is trying to raise cash to help the Blues get back on their feet after the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly if next season kicks-off behind closed doors. It also wants to re-connect, re-focus and re-energise fans.

It's not compulsory to sing - it is just a bit of fun. But click the link and view to support ‘Carlisle REUnited’:

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