COMMUNITY: August soccer school information

Carlisle United Community Sports Trust will be holding two four-day soccer schools in August, with age restrictions and limited capacities, due to the current guidelines surrounding the Covid-19 situation.

The courses will both be held at Harraby 3G pitches, and are both limited to 40 participants per course. 

Details - 

Tuesday 4 August to Friday 7 August 9am - 2pm - PLEASE NOTE - this course is for boys and girls aged 7 - 9 ONLY. 

Tuesday 18 August to Friday 21 August 9am - 2pm - PLEASE NOTE - this course is for boys and girls aged 10 - 12 ONLY. 

Our holiday courses will follow government and FA guidelines as well as social distancing rules.

Courses must be booked for all four days as participants will be in the same group throughout.

Due to ongoing restrictions places are restricted to 40 participants and will be on a first come first serve basis, payment can only be made on the soccer schools website HERE. 

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