CARLISLE REUNITED: 'Looking Good' mission almost accomplished

It is almost ‘mission accomplished’ for CUOSC in their bid to reach 3000 YouTube views for the 1974 recording of ‘Looking Good - We’re Carlisle United.’

They are less than 60 hits away from triggering pledges of over £750 towards their Carlisle REUnited campaign.

It is still not too late to donate but even without pledging you can help unlock the cash this week by playing the track HERE

CUOSC chairman Frank Beattie said: “It is now a question of when we hit the target, not if. I think some of our fans may know the words off by heart but it is for a good cause and we hope it has been fun.”

The record was released by fans Tim Barker and Andy Titcombe to celebrate the Blues winning promotion to the old First Division.

CUOSC are using it to try to raise funds to help the Blues get through uncertain times as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.

They are trying re-connect, re-focus and re-energise fans and sponsors to make sure we will still have a great club to support.

The REUnited campaign is being supported by the club and has also been backed by Cumbria County Council. So far nearly £7,000 has been raised.

If you want to renew your membership or join CUOSC please click HERE

It costs £10 for adults and families for one year and £5 for seniors and Under 18s. Benefits include discount at the club shop and priority for cup tickets.

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