CUSG: Fans Forum at Brunton Park

Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups [CUSG] will be hosting a forum with club directors in the Sunset Suite at Brunton Park on Friday 7 February.

The panel will consist of Billy Atkinson [CUOSC], Nigel Clibbens, John Nixon and Steven Pattison.

The event will run from 7pm to 9pm on the evening – doors open at 6.30pm – and the bar will be open throughout for the sale of alcoholic and soft drink refreshments.

CUSG chairman Simon Clarkson said: “The most common question I am asked by fans is what’s happening regarding the long-term plans for the club?

“This forum will be an opportunity to ask questions of that nature and, indeed, any other questions on any subject our fans feel need to be addressed to the directors in attendance.

“These evenings are extremely popular, so we have once again set up an Eventbrite booking system. We would advise fans to register their names as quickly as possible.

“For those who can’t make it in person, the event will be streamed live via the club’s Facebook page, as this has proved to be a very popular method of providing coverage previously.”

Questions can be submitted via Facebook and Twitter on the night, during the event, to the club feeds – please note, priority will be given to questions from the floor.

CUSG will be holding a raffle, with a range of prizes on offer, to be held during the event.

Places for the event must be booked via the Eventbrite booking page. Click HERE to secure your place at this event.

There is a maximum of two tickets available per order.

Fans’ Forum – Friday 7 February - Sunset Suite - 7pm to 9pm (or until all questions have been asked).

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