CHAIRMAN: We are lucky to have health care professionals like this

Chairman Andrew Jenkins added his message of support today for the key workers and NHS staff who are working so hard at the moment to provide a wide range of services, from food supplies and utility provision to the work being done by the doctors, nurses and medical staff at the front line of the current virus pandemic crisis.

Speaking this morning, he said: “I wanted to say thank you as the chairman of our football club to everybody who is currently working so hard to provide all manner of services as we all fight this awful situation together.

“I see first hand with my staff at Pioneer that there are people working long hours in our sector to keep food on the shelves, and to get much needed items to the most vulnerable in our society, and there are so many others in companies and businesses around the region who are doing the same.

“There are too many key workers doing vital things in so many different fields of expertise to highlight them all, but it’s good that we saw the country take another opportunity last night to say thank you to everybody who is continuing to work, whatever they’re doing, at what is a difficult and testing time for everyone.”

“One area I think it is right to pick out is the NHS, its staff, and all of the carers and support workers within that who are seeing the impact of this virus first-hand,” he added. “The daily figures are staggering, so much so that members of the military are now involved as they add their help, and I would like to take this opportunity to repeat the message that we should all stay at home, where we possibly can, and stick to the social distancing safety measures when we do go out.

“By doing that we will be helping the NHS in their fight at a time when they really need us to give them all the help we can.

“On a personal level, I have been with the NHS on a number of occasions recently, both for cancer treatment with my wife Diane and for some minor treatment for myself, and I have nothing but praise for the way we were looked after.

“We are really fortunate in this country to have health care professionals like this who always, in my experience, go above and beyond what the job requires them to do. That’s exactly what they’re doing right now and, once again, I thank them for it.”

“We’ve had discussions at the club about how we can show our thanks to the NHS and to other key workers once we make a return to normal business, whenever that may be,” he commented. “We have some good ideas which we will look to implement, and we have also spoken to the council about the potential use of some of the space and facilities here at Brunton Park in the short-term.

“The feedback was that the possible working areas we have aren’t quite big enough, but we felt it important to let people know that we are here, should they need us.

“We will have more information on how the club will be acknowledging the efforts of the NHS and the other key workers in due course.”

“Finally, I would like to thank you, our staff and fans, for your support and patience through this tough time,” he concluded. “Through so much uncertainty for everybody we have been overwhelmed by their efforts and humbled by the number of people who have been in touch to make sure we are all ok.

“We will continue to keep you updated as much as we possibly can, and as a keen user of Facebook, thanks to the younger members of my family, I have been heartened by the positive reaction you have shown to the work done by the staff at the club - and I include our manager, players and Community Sports Trust in this - on social media and within the community.

“That work will continue until it is safe for us all to return to Brunton Park, and I know that’s a day we are all looking forward to. In the mean time, stay safe by continuing to follow the guidelines.

“Thank you all.”

Read Time: 4 mins