LONDON BRANCH: Vital cash donated to MNDA

At half-time last Saturday the Carlisle United Supporters’ Club London Branch handed over a cheque for £650 to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Representatives from families affected werethere on behalf of MNDA to accept the cheque with Ian Jardine and Peter Smithson from the London Branch making the presentation.

The money was raised from the sale of the Jimmy Glass t-shirts that were produced by the London Branch last season to mark the 20th anniversary of that remarkable goal. It was agreed that £1 from every t-shirt sale would go to MNDA.

A big thank you to all those Carlisle United supporters who bought a t-shirt enabling this donation to take place.

The planning and preparation of the t-shirts was overtaken by the sad news of Tony Hopper’s death, which is why the Branch decided to continue his magnificent fund-raising efforts. 

Tony was a team-mate of Jimmy Glass and played in that crucial match and Jimmy Glass has been extremely supportive when it comes to helping MNDA as a consequence.

The fund raising for MNDA continues with the sale of the Jimmy Glass beer “90+5” as a percentage of the sales will also go to MNDA. 

Raise a glass to Jimmy and Tony.

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