COMMUNITY: New activities taking place

In line with the Carlisle United Community Sports Trust's new three-year strategic plan we are looking to expand significantly on our range of activities and services available to the local community.

We want to see the number of people of all ages and gender who access and benefit from the sporting, educational and other opportunities we provide increase year on year. We also intend to become active in geographical areas where we are not involved currently, and extend the range of activities, services and experiences we deliver.

Additionally, we will put a greater focus on providing for girls/women, the over 60s, the disabled and disadvantaged as well as seeking to grow the work we do to enhance individuals' physical and mental health.

Amongst the new projects to fulfil these aims which we have begun or expect to do so shortly are -

School Partnership Officers who will deliver programmes at Richard Rose Central Academy in Carlisle designed to improve students' behaviour and attendance, raise their aspirations for the future and broaden their horizons. This project has been developed through a partnership involving the Trust, the Academy, the Manchester United Foundation and Riverside Housing Association.

Safety and the Railway. This project involving the Trust, the EFL, Network Rail and the British Transport Police will seek to raise awareness of the dangers of the railway network to young people.

Improving the County's Mental Health and Wellbeing. The Trust, in collaboration with Carlisle Eden Mind and Active Cumbria, will use the power of sport to raise awareness, promote better mental health and help people to access the support they need.

Active Fans. With funding from the Postcode Lottery we want to use the facilities at Brunton Park and the club's players in sessions which strive to encourage both male and female fans to adjust their lifestyles so they can become both physically and emotionally healthier.

Working with Care Home Residents. Hopefully as a pilot which we can replicate at other such facilities, we now run weekly sessions for the residents at Barn Close Residential Home in Stanwix.

Traineeship Courses. These are each of 12 weeks duration and are designed to assist young people to gain employment or apprenticeships. The trainee scheme enables 16 to 18 year olds to develop the skills and workplace experience which employers demand.

Premier League Kicks. Using the power of professional football clubs this programme engages with young people in areas of need and gives them regular, educational, positive and fun experiences in safe and supportive community environments. There is an emphasis on traditionally under-represented socio-economic groups and black, Asian and minority ethnic participants. Equality, diversity and inclusion are deeply embedded in the project. One key and very important module which will be included in the programme covers the scourge of knife crime.

All of this new provision is in addition to the existing work we do now and have done over the years in primary and secondary schools, the educational courses provided at Brunton Park, walking football for the over 50s and much, much more.

The Trust is a registered charity and is an entirely separate legal entity to the football club. The resources which enable us to provide the range of services we offer come from a mix of core funding from the Premier League and the EFL topped up with a range of grants which, as a charity, we can bid to attract. We also work in conjunction with a fair number of partners who provide funding for specific projects which we deliver for them.

If you would like more information about what the Trust can offer you or your family, want to suggest we provide any additional activities which might benefit you or the local community or might consider sponsoring a new or existing project which could enhance the positive impact we can have on people's lives, we would be delighted to hear from you by phone on 01228 554169 or email 

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