CARLISLE YOUTH ZONE: Free membership on production of your Cambridge match ticket

Carlisle United Football Club is looking forward to welcoming children and staff from Carlisle Youth Zone to Brunton Park on Saturday as our special guests of honour.

Young people from the Youth Zone will be providing our half time entertainment as they go head-to-head in a series of mini-games, and they will also be providing a match day mascot [have a great day with us Summer!] who will be taking a look behind the scenes and meeting the players on the day. 

For full background to this weekend’s CYZ activities, click HERE

Over 1,000 young people attend the Youth Zone very week, taking part in a full range of sports and activities. 

And Carlisle Youth Zone have teamed up with the Blues to offer FREE membership to the Youth Zone (usually £5) to all young people aged between 7 and 19 years of age on production of your Cambridge match ticket at the welcome desk. 

Don’t delay – join up today and take advantage of this fantastic offer – we’re certain you won’t be disappointed! 

For more information on the Carlisle Youth Zone, click HERE.

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