CLUB: Cumberland Stand roof update

The Cumberland Community Stand [A Stand] is undergoing a facelift over the coming weeks.

Fans attending the friendly against Scottish Premier League side Hibernian on Tuesday night will see that preparatory work has already commenced.

Cladding to the side of B stand has been removed and roof work has taken place on A and B stand in readiness for the removal of the A stand roof, to be undertaken by main contractor PMS Fabrications Limited and sub-contractor Carlisle Scaffolding Limited.

This is the second piece of major works to the West Stand following the renewal of the roof on the Edinburgh Woollen Mill Stand which was replaced over a four-month period in mid-season 2017/18.

As part of this work an area of the southern section of the Paddock [directly in front of the Cumberland Community Stand] will be cordoned off, starting today, and must remain clear until the work is complete.

Chief executive Nigel Clibbens said: “It has been identified as part our ongoing and regular inspection processes that the Cumberland Community Stand roof was life-expired and required replacement.   Following discussions with PMS, our specialist roofing contractor, our structural engineers AL Daines and the Safety Advisor Group [SAG], we are pleased to see this work go ahead. 

“It is a similar job to that which PMS completed in 2017, so it is impractical to do it within a closed season.  The task of preparing and undertaking the work while we continue to play games means careful planning and management is required. 

“Safety of fans is paramount during the work and we’d like to thank our SAG for their assistance and helpful advice and support throughout the planning process, along with our structural engineers AL Daines.  We would also like to thank PMS Fabrications Ltd who have given us their expertise to get the preparatory work done over the last few days, ahead of the game against Hibs.

“In the short-term there is some unavoidable minor disruption, and a small reduction in capacity [with the closure of A stand and an area in front], but the Paddock will remain open and the long-term improvement to the comfort and safety of our fans in A stand will be welcome. 

“The Cumberland Community Stand will come into use in September and therefore by doing this work now, we hope to minimise the disruption.  Work has commenced and we plan to have that completed as quickly as possible.

 “We apologise to supporters for any inconvenience in the meantime, but I’m sure everyone will understand the longer-term benefit.”

McConnell’s bar will be closed to the public throughout the roof works and we will update fans regularly as the project progresses.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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