INTERVIEW: Hopefully I can bring goals and make the fans happy

We caught up with new signing Arthur Gnahoua on Monday morning, following his first training session with his new team mates, to find out what he wants from the next four months, and beyond.

“It’s really exciting to join Carlisle at this time,” he said. “This is a big club so I’m looking forward to being involved with the team.

“My time at Shrewsbury was a good experience for me but I wasn’t getting enough game time there this season, which is why I felt I had to leave. I really enjoyed my time there and everyone was great with me, but I’m just looking forward to this new challenge now."

“I’ve known Carlisle were interested in me for quite a while now, so it’s good to get the deal done," he added. "I knew this club wanted me when I went on loan to Fylde, to be honest, but I obviously couldn’t come at that point, because of the different loan rules in the conference.

"I’m glad it’s all gone through now and I’m looking forward to it. With the changes in the loan rules it has meant that more players are cancelling their contracts so they can go out to another club.

"That was difficult at first because I was originally going to come here on loan, but it was better for me to cancel my contract at Shrewsbury so I could come here as a Carlisle United player, so that’s what I did."

With an ability to play up front, in midfield, or out wide, he commented: “I would say my favourite position on the pitch is wherever the ball is!

"If the ball is in the middle I tend to go into the middle, and if it’s on the wing I like to be on the wing. I like a bit of freedom on the pitch, but I’m also happy to work hard for the team.

"People can expect a few skills, but also hard work. I try to bring a bit of everything, but hopefully I can bring goals and make the fans happy."

And having met the new gaffer as soon as he arrived at the stadium, he said: “The manager has told me where he wants me to play and he’s going to help me get on the ball as much as I can.

"I think the way the team are playing at the moment will suit me, so I’m just looking forward to being involved when I get the chance. I wouldn’t say I’ve got loads of pace, but when I’m on the ball I’m pretty quick."

His most recent moves saw him playing in League One and the top tier of non-league, before making his way up north for his first taste of football at this level.

“I think the League One, League Two and the National League levels are quite similar in terms of how the game is played," he commented. "I don’t think League Two will be much of a difference for me, but it will be a good experience for me to play in a league I haven’t played in before.

“The gaffer has told me to go for it and show people my ability. I want to show I can play at this level and even go higher, and I’m looking forward to hopefully doing well for this team.

"The club have brought me here because they think I can help the team and I’m looking forward to playing as many games as I can.

“You get used to coming to new clubs so I wasn’t too nervous this morning. You just want to make sure you get on with your team mates and the coaching staff. I think it’s good to come in and get straight out to training because it helps you settle, and everyone has made me feel really welcome.

“When you come to a club which is challenging for promotion it does bring a bit of pressure, but it’s good pressure. If we can get promoted it will be good for everyone here, so I’m looking forward to being involved in that."

And with a little more on his background, he revealed: “My family are from the Ivory Coast but I was born in France. I started my career at Kidderminster, which is where I’m from.

"I had a good time there and Shrewsbury were watching me, and they signed me at the end of the season. I was the top scorer for the team during my season at Kidderminster, I got a few goals and really enjoyed it. If I can get some goals here it will be good for me and the team.

“When I was at Stalybridge it was cold, but I think it’s even colder here! I don’t like the cold too much, but I’ll manage it. I’ve had my first training session today and it was cold, but I really enjoyed it and the rest of the lads made me feel really welcome.

"I’m looking forward to being involved in the squad and hopefully I’ll make an impact on the team, if I get the chance to play."

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