INTERVIEW: They're a team with great energy

United boss Chris Beech spoke to us about the New Year’s Day away game at Crewe as he continues to prepare the team for what will be a tough challenge.

“We’re going up against a proper possession-based team that have unbelievable individual talents,” he said. “People talk a lot about Jarrad at Carlisle – at Crewe they’ve got four or five Jarrads.

“They’re playing regularly and have been playing together for a good two or three years. We’ve got to break that down somehow, and find a way to play our game, which I’m confident we will.”

“They get some magnificent results,” he continued. “I was fortunate to have watched them when I wasn’t working, three or four times, and they often blow teams away in 30 minutes of football - they go from 0-0 to 4-0 in 25 minutes.

“They’ve got know how up front in Porter, great energy and movement in the midfield, and some great lads at the back. It’s basically two attacking full-backs and two strong centre halves with a strong number for.

“We’ve got to look at all of that and consider how we’re going to beat them, or play against them.”

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