ACADEMY: Christmas party for the foundation phase players

The academy foundation phase held their Christmas party with plenty of football-based fun in the Neil Sports Centre here at Brunton Park on Sunday morning.

The boys started the party by getting into mixed age group teams before trying to complete a range of challenges which included footgolf, volleys, chip-it-in and scoring goals through a sharp-shooting net.

Following that it was time for some mini-matches – with bonus points awarded if your team sang a Christmas Carol – and the lads were treated to a visit from Taylor Charters, Charlie Birch and Liam Lightfoot, who all got into the mood as they took part in some of the games.

The party finished with a penalty shootout and a highly anticipated game of ‘kids versus their parents’ before each player received a goody bag from the club to take away.

Lead foundation phase coach Robbie Edgar said: “The kids had a great time and the whole party was about having as much fun and socialising as possible.

“The boys were delighted when some of the players turned up and had a kick-about with them. They’ve all worked so hard in the first half of the season and this party was well deserved.”

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