YOUTH: Result from the Friday game

Fresh from their Erasmus+ tour to Hungary the under-18 side were straight back into league action with a home game against Shrewsbury Town on Friday afternoon.

And a solid first half in terrible weather conditions gave them a two-goal lead to take into the break and set the tone for the rest of the game.

Youth boss Eric KInder said: "We were good in the first half and we deserved the lead. Lewis Rooks scored our first goal after what had been a slow start and that gave everyone a lift.

“Jamie Armstrong got our second just before the break and I think we probably deserved the goals with the way we’d played.

“Ryan Swailes got our third early in the second half, but it became very scrappy and bitty for the rest of the game. We couldn’t get control of the ball and they threw everything at us, to be fair to them.

“The lads defended really well, because we were under pressure for a while. The wind was blowing and the conditions were awful, but we managed to see it through until they scored a goal from a corner deep into time added on.

“That was disappointing because it took our clean sheet away and it was from a set piece, but overall we were really pleased with the performance. We did drop below the standards we require in the second half, but we’ll learn from that.”

“There was a period at the start of the game where we were trying too hard, and that meant we snatched at chances and things like that,” he continued. “You can start to look sloppy when you play in that manner, but we calmed ourselves down after 15 minutes or so and we looked a good side.

“It’s good that the lads have come back from their trip to Hungary and picked up where they left off. That’s another win under their belts and they can look forward to a good run of games now.”

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