INTERVIEW: I’m fast and strong

Striker Olufela Olomola joined the Blues on a season-long loan deal from Scunthorpe this week and he spoke to us shortly after his first training session about the challenge ahead.

“I’m very excited about this,” he said. “When I heard it was a possibility, I just wanted to get it done as soon as possible. The style of play and the way the gaffer wants us to play were a big part of why I wanted to come here.

"I think that really suits me, he wants us to be a high-pressure team and when we get the ball he wants us to keep it, and that really suits how I want to play.

“The way he wants to do things is me to a tee, in terms of pressurising and working hard. When we get the ball he wants us to play quickly with lots of movement, and only one or two touches.

“I was with Byron [Webster] at Scunthorpe last season so I spoke to him about coming here. He had a massive influence on my decision because I trust him, and he had nothing but good things to say about this place. When he spoke to me it really made up my mind."

On moving across so late in the pre-season schedule, he explained: “Ideally, I like to be at a club early in pre-season, so my initial plan was to stay at Scunthorpe and get into the team.

"When I realised that wasn’t going to be a possibility I wanted to get out as quickly as possible. I wanted to come to a club where I was wanted, but also to a club which suited me and how I like to play. This was a match made in heaven really.

“It’s good to see the fans on social media were pleased when I signed, and I hope I can repay that and show them I’m here to score goals and excite them. I just want to get my head down and work hard, then make sure I take my opportunities when they come."

As for what we can expect to see, he commented: “I’m fast and strong, and I like to score goals. I like to work hard and I’m a real winner.

"I want to win at all costs, whoever we’re playing. The fans will see that passion when I play. I’m not the tallest but I’m quite strong and I like to use my body and get the ball into my feet so I can get the team playing."

He comes to the club with good experience at this level having bagged seven goals in 18 starts with Yeovil two seasons ago.

“My first spell at Yeovil was probably my first proper season in professional football and it went very well," he said. "I know that’s something I need to replicate and improve on.

"I love scoring goals, and any attacker who doesn’t love that feeling has got something wrong with them.

“My spells at Yeovil have given me so much hunger to do well. I want to prove myself every season and get better and better."

“I can’t wait for the first game of the season," he told us. "I’m raring to go and I just want to get out there. I’m really looking forward to walking out in front of our fans for the first time and I just want to give them a good first impression and show them what I’m about.

"We’ve got a great bunch of lads here and they’ve been great with me, they’ve really helped me settle in and they’ve made me feel like I’ve already been here for ages.

“I know the gaffer is still trying to get a couple of strikers in but at the moment I’m more than happy to take on the pressure, if you can call it that, of being the main striker.

"I’ll lead from the front as well as I can. I’ll work hard and I’ll hopefully score goals for the team. I just want to do as well as I can, get as many goals as I can and help the team get as high up the league as we can.”

Click HERE to watch an interview with Olufela Olomola on iFollow United now.

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