
We caught up with chief executive Nigel Clibbens this afternoon for an update at the end of what has been an extremely busy week at Brunton Park.

On the current first-team manager situation, he said: “We’ve received over 40 applications from a wide range of excellent people. It has come as no surprise to us that they see a real opportunity to make a positive impact and achieve success here. 

“In recent days we have been carefully considering and reviewing the applications. We have formed our short-list and have now arranged to meet them all.  

“After those meetings, which will be early next week, we will narrow our short-list down and meet the leading candidates again, before making our final choice. 

“We understand the need to make an appointment as soon as possible, but that urgency must be balanced with undertaking a thorough and proper process. 

“We’ll give a further update towards the end of next week.” 

And on the contracts offered following end-of-season meetings with the players, held by Keith Curle and chairman Andrew Jenkins on Monday morning, he said: “As we said on Monday, the club has now made contract offers to four senior players [Nicky Adams, Mark Ellis, Danny Grainger and Luke Joyce] and two potential second-year professionals [Jordan Holt and Jack Egan]. 

“Initial follow up discussions were held either directly, with some players themselves, or with their representatives. These discussions are ongoing. 

“We will update fans more on this as the negotiations progress and as individuals make their decisions. However, it is worth remembering that the players do have up to one month to consider the offers, under the EFL rules and guidelines.”

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