
Following a recent request for sponsorship of a new camera lens, made by the media department at one of the regular monthly CUSG meetings, the away travel group CUSAT stepped forward to purchase the lens, which is now used for home and away stills and video coverage.

The lens, an upgrade from the standard attachment which came with the club's camera, allows the club to shoot HD quality video interviews and footage for use on the official digital channels.

The quality of the footage has also seen clips shot from the camera appear on the News & Star website, and on the ITV Border Sports Report on a Monday evening following weekend away games.

Media assistant Amy Nixon said: "We had a good but limited capability with the original lens, but we have to say thank you to the London Branch, and to Jamie Grubb in particular, who gave us use of his lens as we started the process of securing a new lens of our own.

"We explained the situation at the CUSG meeting and it was fantastic for us when CUSAT immediately stepped forward to purchase the new lens for the club.

"The quality the lens brings to the videos and images has pushed us on to another level, and we can't thank everyone enough for the help they've given us."

Kate Rowley, chair of CUSAT, said: "Social media and the website is the way forward in communicating with our supporters.

"Part of that communication is in picture and video form, be it the players, behind the scenes at away stadiums, or the supporters themselves.

"To allow our club to keep ahead of the game, a request was made via CUSG for assistance to purchase a new lens. The one being used currently was borrowed.

"CUSAT made that purchase possible and we are delighted that its acquisition has proved such a success. The media department are very pleased with the lens we purchased and we hope all supporters will see the benefits as we go forward." 

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