
Speaking more about the first home game of the season against Northampton Town on Saturday, manager John Sheridan admitted that he felt his side could have had two or three more goals with the quality of the chances his side created.

“It needed a bit of know-how and a bit more cuteness when those chances came,” he said. “Or we possibly needed to take an extra touch on some occasions.

“We had good chances to score more than we did, and that was with us having scored two great goals as well. It was a brilliant strike from Dev. I thought he played really well and he has that cuteness and cleverness about him.

“It’s one of those shots that’s probably unstoppable, and the second goal came from good one-touch football. For that one we got a great pass from Adam Campbell and Hallam Hope then finished it off well.

“We had some good moments like that, but there was a 15-minute spell where we were a bit sloppy and we didn’t get our forward thinking players on it enough. I don’t want to be too down because we defended well when we had to and we created some excellent chances.

“Sometimes you’ll leave openings when you’re pressing and that’s when you need your keeper and defenders. They were there for us on most occasions today.”

“I’m a bit gutted for the players that they didn’t get the win to go with their efforts, because I think they deserved it,” he continued. “I’m really pleased with the way we played in the second half, more than anything.

“We looked like we were going to win the game and we were creating chances, even though they got in front. The only thing that hasn’t come together from this game is that the result ended as 2-2.

“I would have liked three points, but it’s a point on board and we’ll take it. What we need to do now is make sure we take this performance into the next game. It’s no good doing it today and then getting things wrong on Tuesday or at Cheltenham.

“There is still a lot we can learn and do better but the players kept going, and I liked the way they showed bravery in their decision making. I’ve said before that if we keep playing like that we’ll win more than we lose.”

One down side from the afternoon was the departure of midfielder Mike Jones, just before half time, as he fell to the floor in agony having just completed a clearance.

“I think it was just some sort of hamstring injury, which is a shame,” the manager explained. “He’s gone to clear the ball and he’s felt something. I don’t think he’s had a hamstring type injury before, so the physio will have a look at him and we’ll see what it is and what it means for him.

“Obviously if he does miss a few games it leaves us light in numbers again. I’ve told people before that deep down I want three or four more players, but circumstances mean I might not be able to do that.

“If that’s the case I have to make sure I do my best with what’s here and, let’s be clear, we have some very good players at this club. If I can get more in I’m sure people will help me to get them, but if I can’t it means I have to concentrate on what I’ve got. I’m comfortable with that.”

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