
The new season has brought some interesting rule changes, with everything from conduct in the technical area to changed cup rules and regulations to be adhered to.

Here are a few things to look out for as the season starts to gather pace and kick into gear ... 

Misconduct in the Technical Area 

Changes have been made to the Code of Conduct which sets out the behaviours expected of occupants of the technical area and establishes how the match officials will implement the Code of Conduct in order to protect the reputation of the EFL and its competitions. The changes are outlined below. 

Stage 1 warnings: 

+ For any activity considered to be irresponsible behaviour the 4th official will advise the referee at an appropriate stoppage in the game. The referee will delay the re-start of the game and issue a formal Stage 1 warning to the person and show the yellow card. 

+ Irresponsible behaviour includes but is not limited to: 

- Inappropriate language and / or gestures towards the match officials which are an obvious show of dissent or an attempt to influence the decisions of the match officials. 

- Kicking or throwing water bottles, coats or other similar objects in an obvious show of dissent. 

- Sarcastic clapping and / or other gestures intended to undermine the authority of the match officials.

- Entering the opponents’ technical area in an inappropriate manner. 

- Gesturing waving an imaginary yellow / red card. 

a) Automatic suspensions for accumulating Stage 1 warnings in the technical area ... 

- 4 warnings – 1 match ban 

- 8 warnings – 2 match ban 

- 12 warnings – 3 match ban

- 16+ - FA misconduct charge 

- No cut-off date 

Stage 2 (Misconduct Action): 

Where a person either: 

b) continually fails to comply with the general requirements of the Code or displays further acts of irresponsible behaviour as outlined in Stage 1 above having in both cases received a formal Stage 1 warning from the referee or; 

c) commits a singular act of serious irresponsible behaviour that in the opinion of the 4th Official surpasses the requirement for a formal Stage 1 warning The 4th official will advise the referee who, at an appropriate stoppage in play, will instruct the person to leave the technical area and go to the designated location identified by the Competition show a direct red card. If this occurs during half-time (or half-time in extra time) the person will be instructed not to return to the technical area. 

The system will be adopted in all EFL competitions, including all three divisions of the Sky Bet EFL, the Carabao Cup and the Checkatrade Trophy. 

Speaking about this new ruling at a recent press conference, manager John Sheridan joked: “That won’t bother me, I won’t be getting any yellow cards ... but I might get a couple of reds!

“I was at the manager’s meeting when this change was announced and I think it’s a good thing. As you know, I’ve been involved in things and situations, but you do calm down as you get older.

“Everything is just heat of the moment when you’re out there. When you’re a bit of a winner and you see things, and you disagree - sometimes you have to realise that you have to disagree in the right way.

“That’s something you do learn as you get older. The best managers in the world go off their heads but, as a new ruling, I don’t see this as a bad thing. It keeps you in check and you know if you go over the top you’re going to get punished.” 

Full details available via www.fa.com 

We’ll have more on this season’s competition updates on the official website tomorrow.

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