
As you will be aware, earlier today a number of people were injured whilst travelling on the London Underground when what appeared to be an improvised explosive device was detonated.

The Metropolitan Police have since confirmed that the incident is a terror attack.

The UK’s current terror threat level was raised to CRITICAL on Friday evening – meaning an attack is imminent – but there is no specific intelligence to suggest that football is a target. 

We would like to take this opportunity to remind supporters that our advice for all games this season, home and away, is to turn up in plenty of time. Our aim is to reduce the waiting times and numbers in crowded areas as much as possible.

Attacks are rare, and it is unlikely that we will be involved in one, but the message remains relevant that #ActionCountersTerrorism.

To help keep yourself and others safe, you should:

+ Arrive early, allowing more time for security checks.

+ Minimise what you carry. Fewer bag searches will speed up entry to the ground.

+ Be vigilant at all times and, if you see anything suspicious, tell a police officer, steward or a member of club / security staff immediately.

+ If you see anything that could pose a threat to safety, call 999.

+ In an emergency, listen to the Public Address announcements and adhere fully to the instructions given.

+ If told to evacuate, you should do so immediately. Do NOT linger to film or photograph events on your mobile phone or similar device.

+ Move as far away from the stadium as you can as quickly as possible, both for your own safety and to allow clear access for emergency vehicles.

+ Once safe, follow the local police force and the club on social media channels for further updates.

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