
Below is a summary of the CUSG meeting held at Brunton Park on 11 September 2017.

Attendance – Simon Clarkson (Chair, London Branch), Alastair Woodcock, John Kukuc (CUOSC), Kate Rowley, Keith Elliott (CUSAT), Nigel Clibbens, Phil King, Nigel Dickinson, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon (CUFC)

Apologies – John Ireland (West Cumbria Travel), Joanne Merrie (CUSAT), Jim Mitchell (CUOSC)

Actions from last meeting

Stewards were now being assigned to the disabled car park.

CUOSC were progressing feedback about the new catering arrangements.

The 'bird' problem at Brunton Park was being tackled. Fewer seagulls and pigeons had been noticed in the ground. The hawk was making periodical visits. A contract cleaning firm will again visit pre-match on Friday.

The electronic scoreboard was now working consistently. Phil had discussed a 'funded proposal' with a potential sponsor for a new scoreboard, which would give a small percentage to the club. This would require further negotiation.

Matt Spooner had suggested the planned perspex roofs for upgrading disabled shelters may not be strong enough and recommended a wooden roof solution which would cost circa £1500 each. Following the meeting, Phil met with Matt Spooner who confirmed that Disabled Supporters Group had given the go ahead to fund one area initially.

The club was planning to make its 'Remembrance' game the match on November 11 v Yeovil Town.

The London Branch had not been supportive of the plan to purchase new camera equipment, and were only prepared to fund projects that benefit supporters, in particular younger supporters. The CUSG would consider projects put forward by any group of supporters including CUFC costing up to £500. After discussion it was agreed that any requests for financial support should be collated and discussed at the next meeting where all requests will be in categorised up to £100, up to £250, and over that amount. There may be several requests in each of the categories and the group (CUSG) would decide the merits of each request.

Ground Update

The catering situation was improving after initial problems surfaced. Most of the issues from the first game had now been resolved. London Branch members had given positive feedback about the upgraded Sunset Suite. Queues around the ground were reduced. Phil was having weekly meetings with ABM where fan feedback was discussed. Capacity had been doubled at the Paddock South and Warwick Road End facilities. New additional tills had been installed in the Pioneer Bar, improving service.

There was a question about the opening times for licensed premises in the ground. Some fans reported bars not opening before half-time. The club would seek to clarify this issue.


The club were planning to purchase two large fire retardant flags, costing £250 each, to be used on match days. Supporter groups were asked if they would like to purchase similar flags. CUSAT, CUOSC and CUSG as a group all indicated interest in purchasing further flags. Named staff would be allowed to wave them, including at times when goals were scored.

Singing Section

Supporters who had expressed an interest in setting this up were liaising with the club. Fans views would be taken into account when it came to finding a location within the ground.


Treasurer Michelle reported £2,280.21 in the bank account, an increase since last meeting. Raffle at last Legends evening had boosted the coffers.

Playing Kit

The club had already seen designs from Umbro for next season's kit. There had been disquiet that the team had not yet worn the official away kit but this would soon change.

Items of Interest

CUOSC - are holding another supporters surgery between 1.30-2.30pm this Saturday before Barnet match.

CUSAT - Doors out of the East Stand concourse were still locked and stewards refusing to open them after games, requiring a long detour for some supporters. CUFC to sort out.

LB - There had been a perception that CUSG meetings were dominated by CUFC staff. This was challenged at the meeting. CUSG constituent groups invite club staff to meetings, they are not part of CUSG. CUSG reps felt the club staff were very important to the success of the whole venture. The rep from ABM would attend future meetings, as and when required, to talk about catering matters.

Details of the reward scheme for ST holders had not been posted to the club website. Media dept have now put this right.

Any Other Business

An initiative had come from Andrew Jenkins who wanted the club to show appreciation for away fans at the Crawley game. CUSAT/CUFC to liaise over this.

The club were planning a 'shirt appeal' to request old CUFC shirts to display around the ground. The club's stock was lost in the floods. More details to come later.

Next CUFC 'Legends' evening was pencilled in for March 2, 2018. The club expressed an interest in hosting similar events at Brunton Park, but there was support too for guests from other sports such as cricket and athletics, as well as journalism.

Next meeting - October 23, 6pm.

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