
Carlisle United Football Club can confirm that we have been notified this morning by The FA that striker Shaun Miller has been charged following the penalty awarded during the first half of Tuesday night's game against Wycombe Wanderers.

The charge reads as follows: 

"Carlisle United player Shaun Miller has been charged for ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’.

It is alleged he committed a clear act of simulation which led to a penalty being awarded in the 35th minute of the game against Wycombe Wanderers on 17 October 2017. He has until 6pm on 19 October 2017 to respond.

Incidents which suggest a match official has been deceived by an act of simulation are referred to a panel consisting of one ex-match official, one ex-manager and one ex-player.

Each panel member will be asked to review all available video footage independently of one another to determine whether they consider it was an offence of ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’.

Only in circumstances where the panel are unanimous would The FA issue a charge."

Carlisle United are currently reviewing the evidence pending a decision on an appeal.

For further information on the offence of ‘Successful Deception of a Match Official’ click HERE

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