
Carlisle United are pleased to confirm that they have renewed their partnership with the Carlisle Pubwatch Scheme.

Pubwatch is a community scheme which is designed to help to improve behaviour in licensed premises in Carlisle.

Individuals placed on Pubwatch are banned from all licensed premises in the city and could, potentially, also be banned from Brunton Park – this will be discussed on a case-by-case basis between the group and the club.

Sales and marketing director Phil King said: “We are happy to be supportive of the Pubwatch scheme following ongoing discussions with the group.

“Pubwatch is a national initiative that is supported by a number of other sporting institutions throughout the country, including the Racecourse and the Rugby Club here in Carlisle.

“Carlisle United is a community organisation and we are happy to partner with local businesses in this way. Additionally, it is important the Brunton Park is an inclusive and welcoming environment for fans who want to come here and enjoy supporting their team.

“We have worked hard to engage families and young people, and have won and been nominated for awards for doing so, and it is important that everyone can enjoy their matchday.”

Chairman of the Carlisle Pubwatch Scheme Mike Vose said: “Carlisle Pubwatch are delighted that Carlisle United wish to renew their partnership with our award-winning scheme.

“They are a massive part of the community, and have huge influence on the local economy, and it shows the level of commitment they have to both of those by joining with us to help keep Carlisle as a fantastic place to both live and visit.
“We all share the belief that anti-social behaviour should not detract from people’s enjoyment of our great city, and our new information sharing agreement will help ensure that those who misbehave and spoil other people’s days and nights out do not continue to do so.”

The initial referral for a ban is likely to be for incidents involving violence, drugs, abusive behaviour, etc. For more information on the national Pubwatch scheme, visit

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