
Below are the minutes from the October CUSG meeting held at Brunton Park on 23 October.

Attendance - Simon Clarkson (Chair, London Branch), Alastair Woodcock, Jim Mitchell, John Kukuc (CUOSC), Keith Elliott (CUSAT), John Ireland (West Cumbria Travel), Barry Carter (Disabled Fans' Rep), Nigel Clibbens, Nigel Dickinson, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon (CUFC)

Apologies - Kate Rowley, Joanne Merrie (CUSAT), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter)

Actions from last meeting
Feedback on stewarding was generally positive. Barry requested a meeting with the chief steward to discuss remaining issues with the disabled car park.

Catering situation was improving. CUOSC were taking feedback from supporters. Other items to discuss in main agenda.

Disabled supporters
The new shelter was in operation for the first time at the Notts County game. Reports were positive. There was a plan to paint the rear of it blue. The invoice for the work was still to discuss with Matt Spooner. Barry asked for and was granted a pass into the Paddock to talk to those users of the new facility on match days.

For the planned shelter at the Waterworks End for away disabled supporters, there was a proposal to acquire a second hand bus shelter. This would involve sponsorship of the shelter. CUFC to look at options.

Barry requested that more spaces in the ground be made available, as capacity was often being reached or exceeded.

Alastair offered to assist Barry in producing proper letter headed stationery for the disabled fans' group. A newsletter was already being produced regularly.

Ground - cleaning
The hawk had not been back to the ground for 3 weeks or so. The migratory birds had now gone.

An electrician had managed to get part of it working again. The match time was being displayed. After sales service was no longer available due to the age of the device. Phil King was looking into 'shared use' of a scoreboard for next season, as a potential solution for a replacement.

EWM Stand Roof
Work had now started to repair and replace the roof. It was scheduled for completion before the end of November.

Other Ground Items
A complaint had been received about slippy metal steps to the Paddock Bar.The club consider them to be safe in line with a risk assessment.

High water pressure in the East Stand toilets has been an issue. A plumber was in the process of correcting this.

Concerns had been raised about the actions of one steward. This was being dealt with.

The policy of not allowing fans to transfer from Paddock to Warwick Road End remained in place. However Nigel D said he would consult Safety Officer Tim Wordsworth over it, given the group's belief that the policy should be relaxed in times of inclement weather during a game.

Funding - categories
CUSG requested that CUFC to compile a list of potential projects for next meeting that could be suitable for financial support from fans groups.

Designs were close to being finalised.

Bank balance was unchanged at £2,280.21.

£1500 liability in place to cover disabled facilities.

Items of interest

The issue of loan/equity swap was in hand and being discussed. CUOSC had agreed to it in principle.

There had been a meeting about stadium development - covering possible upgrade of Brunton Park and potential new stadium locations. CUOSC had been represented.

A Quiz Night was being planned for a pre-Christmas date, to be held at Brunton Park.

Next Fans Forum - CUOSC and CUFC liaising over this. Dates were discussed. Ideally it would be held prior to end of year.

A further food bank collection was still to organise. CUOSC hoped to have another one before Christmas.

London Branch
The issue raised about the perception that CUFC was 'dominating' meetings was re-visited as the last minutes did not accurately reflect the concerns of the perception given by previous minutes. Attendees felt that the reality was that meetings were becoming much more fan led and hoped that the perception would become the same.

LB had been in discussions with Motor Neurone charity and the Hopper family about acquiring a banner to go up at Waterworks End.

Disabled Supporters
Barry as disabled fans rep was making himself available as part of the regular surgery on match days. CUOSC agreed to publicise his presence.

Any Other Business
The club were promoting a sponsored bike ride in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. No CUFC participant had taken part to date. The club were hoping to attract interest in the event. CUOSC would discuss and promote this.

Another question was asked about the identity of the overseas investor. His name could not be revealed yet due to confidentiality agreements.

Next meeting - Monday 4 December [6pm].

Read Time: 4 mins