
Manager Keith Curle spoke to us about tonight’s trip to face League Two’s leading goal scorers Luton Town at Kenilworth Road.

“This is another is another challenge and, as we know, we face challenges head on,” he said. “We don’t worry about challenges at all. It’s a game of football against a team who have invested very well on the pitch.

“On days where things go well for them they can be a test for anyone in this division. We think we can hurt them and cause them problems, but we’re respectful of the firepower they’ve got.”

“We’ve done our homework and we’ll prepare everybody as well as we possibly can for what will be another tough game,” he continued. “They have real strengths, they’re showing that every week, but we’ll be ready for it.

“I tried signing a few of their players, and I’ve actually signed a couple of them at previous clubs, so we know what they’re about. They can score goals and when they get a head of steam they can demolish anybody.”

“They’ve invested very well, and they can hurt teams, so our job will be to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that we can prepare the players to go out and do a job for us,” he added.

“It’s another game for us all to look forward to. We’ll go there with the belief that we can upset them. It’s another game where we get an opportunity to represent the club, and that’s something we don’t take lightly.

“We go full of confidence and knowing that if we play well we can match anybody. We have players showing that they know their roles and responsibilities and they’re enjoying their football.

“We’re on a good run at the moment, and we’re also having a good run away from home, and there’s no reason for that not to continue. We’ll show respect to a free-flowing side who have just enjoyed another big win, but we’ll also make sure they have to show respect to us as well.

“The pleasing thing is that we know we’ll have fans there fighting our corner with us. That in itself is an incentive, because we want to perform for them, as well as for the shirt.”

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