
When it was confirmed that winger Nicky Adams would miss the rest of the season, following the cruciate ligament injury he picked up earlier this month, the social media channels exploded with messages of support for the popular player from fans and former team mates up and down the country.

Speaking about the importance of that kind of support, he told us: “The response from everybody has been out of this world. As I’ve said before, I was in a really dark place those first couple of days, but the fans helped me through it.

“Listen – I know I’m loved here, and that isn’t me being big-headed in any way. For whatever reason, I have a good relationship with them because I know they appreciate the way I play football and the way I want to do things. It gives you such a huge boost when you read the comments.”

“It wasn’t just our fans who were brilliant, it was supporters from all over,” he added. “Players I’ve played with were getting in touch as well, and the lads here now were different class. Everybody knows how close I am with Michael Jones and I think he actually cried when he was on the phone to me.

“My family have been a great support. My little boy Archie thinks it’s great because he’s running around and he knows if he’s in trouble I can’t get up and chase him, so he’s loving it! The people closest to you always rally round in situations like this and that has meant a lot to me these past few weeks.”

The togetherness in the dressing is a subject which has cropped up a lot in recent seasons and Adams confirmed that the messages he received from every member of the squad had played a big part in making him feel better about what was a difficult situation.

“The lads have been brilliant,” he confirmed. “They all got in touch and it just makes you feel good about yourself again. It is a horrible injury when it comes down to it but everyone at the club has been great.

“The Chairman phoned me and left me a message and he actually sounded like my Granda, he was so concerned! I phoned him back and he was really good with me, and I could tell that he was gutted for me as well.

“The gaffer has been great with me, he’s phoned me a few times and he’s keeping my spirits up. When it comes down to it, it’s football and it is what it is.

“I can’t thank everyone enough for the way they’ve been. With back-up like this it makes me even more determined to stay positive and get back. I think our fans know how much I appreciate the support they give me and the one thing I can give them in return is to be here at Carlisle United next season.”

“Whenever I start feeling really down I remind myself that there are other people in worse positions than me,” he told us. “Sadly, just last week I lost a good friend of mine – Gary Lloyd – and that really does put things into perspective.

“My situation is an injury I have to deal with, but compared to things like that it’s nothing. God bless him and his family because that is a really big loss.

“That’s why I had to give myself a kick up the backside, because this is just an injury to be dealt with. I’m already now thinking about when I can be back out on the grass. I won’t have anyone saying that it won’t happen and I will not give in.

“As soon as I’m more mobile I’ll be in and around the dressing room with the lads as much as I can, because I love being here.”

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