CLUB: Business as usual as preparation for next season continues

Manager and Holdings Board hold positive meeting

United manager Keith Curle has started the process of meeting potential new signings this week as he looks to reshape his squad for another push at promotion next season.

And key to the plans he is now finalising was a meeting with the CUFC Holdings Board, held on Tuesday afternoon, where the way forward following this season’s thrilling play-off appearance was discussed.

United’s Chairman Andrew Jenkins said: “The end-of-season review, which was arranged in April but held back until the play-offs had been concluded, was held with all Holdings Board directors and the first team manager in attendance on Monday. As is normal in meetings like this, we were able to discuss and review the season, including what we felt went to plan, as well as what we felt could have been done better.

“It was a positive discussion and, following on from that meeting, it is now business as usual for everybody as we look forward to next season. We have a number of players who have been offered new deals, and we’re waiting to hear back from them, and Keith and his staff are also out as we speak talking to targets and their representatives as they look to reshape the squad ahead of August.”

“A key part of this process is getting those replies from the players who have been offered contracts,” he continued. “If they’re all staying, that’s great, because they’re wanted here, but if their decision is to move on then at least the manager will know he has positions to fill and room to manoeuvre within that.

“Another good part of the conversation we were able to have with Keith was for us to lay out our vision for the club in terms of where we see it going and what our key ambitions are. We explained that rather than basing any strategy purely on numbers and finances we’ve looked at it with a view to sustainability, with the medium and long term firmly in mind.

“It’s about striving to go forward and pushing up through the divisions by winning both on and off the field. Keith is extremely ambitious and wants success for his team. Our vision is about working together, as a club, community and football department so that we build a sustainable club that will thrive and be successful rather than go through boom and bust.

“That doesn’t mean risks won’t be taken in a bid to achieve even more success, but the club has to come first. Any risks have to be measured and calculated and that’s where we will take a short term assessment, as well as looking at the longer term impact, before we make our decision on whether or not the risk is one worth taking.”

“I think we’re all looking forward to seeing how the summer pans out now,” he concluded. “The management staff are looking to recruit quickly, which is always exciting for everyone, and we all have a focus on hopefully going one better next time round. We feel we have a very good manager who can do that for us.”
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