
In the second part of our interview with Danny Grainger he talks about promotion being the only aim for next season and about coming back ready for pre-season.

“I’ve said it before but I’m just really happy to be at this club," he told us. "I’m home now and I’m not looking to go anywhere else during my career.

"I’m happy here, I enjoy it, I love the surroundings and I’m obviously back home with my friends and family around me. I love playing football here and hopefully next year we can make it another memorable season."

“My end of season meeting with the manager was positive," he said. "He told me what he wants from me next season and I know what I need to do. I know what he wants me to improve on and things like that.

"The end of season chats are always good because it gives you a real focus and you know you need to come back ready for pre-season. You know what the manager is going to be looking for from the first day back so it’s up to us to work hard."

“You always want to improve as much as you can," he continued. "I want to come back for pre-season fitter and stronger. Last season I probably came back feeling better than I ever had, which was probably because I was so happy here. I really wanted to come in and be part of something successful here.

"In my first year it was difficult because we were at the wrong end of the league. It was hard to be upbeat and positive because there were a lot of negatives about the place.

"I didn’t want to be part of something like that again, so personally I wanted to make sure I could drive myself forward. I was delighted with how I came back and the club just seems to have kicked on from there."

On his personal aims for the next campaign, he said: “I want to try and make sure I chip in with as many goals as possible. Last season was my career high so I want to try and pass it again.

"I'd also like to play a full season without getting an injury. These things happen and in the last two seasons I’ve had two collision injuries which you can't do much about.

"You’ve just got to get on with it. I was lucky enough last season to have Dolly, Jake Simpson and Lee Fearn to get me through it, but hopefully I won’t need them next season!"

“Promotion is our only aim next season," he insisted. "No matter what happens, we need to get out of League Two next year.

"Anything less than that and we’ve got to look at it as a disappointing season."

Ahead of the lads coming back for pre-season at the end of June, he said: “During the summer I’ve made sure I’ve kept myself ticking over by going on a few runs and things like that.

"I had two weeks away with my family in Spain but I made sure I went for a couple of runs while I was out there to keep the fitness levels up.

"Now that I’m back I’m just doing everything I can to make sure I’m right when we come back for pre-season, which isn’t too far away now."

“I’ll be keeping an eye on the social media and the website to see who the gaffer brings in," he admitted. "We obviously lost a few lads at the end of the season and it was hard to say goodbye to them because it was a fantastic dressing room to be involved in.

“My goal target for next year is just going to be more than nine. If I can beat last season’s number I’ll be delighted. I’m confident when I get forward and that’s something the manager sees in me. I’ll just keep pushing on as much as I can next year."

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Read Time: 4 mins