KICK IT OUT: Reporting made easy

KIO app helps fans to report discrimination

Technological advancements have made it easier than ever to capture discriminatory behaviour on mobile phones and Kick It Out is urging football supporters to take advantage of such enhancements and report discrimination.

Participating in discriminatory actions can lead to punishments and where appropriate convictions.

This week (Tuesday 3 January), Chelsea supporters were found guilty of racist violence on a Paris metro, the key to bringing about the charge was the evidence supplied, recorded via a mobile phone.

Kick It Out’s award-winning reporting app, available to download on the App Store and Google Play, offers complainants the chance to attach video, photo and audio evidence to help support investigations into discriminatory incidents and behaviour across football, as well as the option of anonymity.

Use of the app has increased season on season, showing the increasing importance of instant reporting and evidence gathering.

Incidents at non-league and grassroots level, as well as football-related social media discrimination can also be reported via Kick It Out, who then take up the case with the respective authority, club or platform. Incidents of discrimination occurring to and from games can also be reported and passed to police authorities.

If you witness or are the victim of an incident and can safely do so, please report to Kick It Out.

As well as reporting via the app, discrimination can also be reported via or by calling 0800 169 9414.

The Kick It Out reporting app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
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