INTERVIEW: We know we have goals in this team

Striker Jabo Ibehre on his goal and another important three points

Striker Jabo Ibehre spoke to us about his goal and the important three points just after he’d finished his warm down at Meadow Lane on Saturday afternoon.

“I thought the win was very well deserved,” he said. “We hung in there and we showed magnificent character and resilience. To come away from home, take the lead and then go behind can knock a lot of teams.

“We made sure we got back into it and then, once we got ahead again, we stayed solid as a team. On another day we could have been out of sight with the chances we created but it’s a great dressing room and we’re getting our just desserts at the moment.”

“It was strange to go behind with us having played so well but that’s the way it goes sometimes,” he added. “You can’t take anything for granted in this game, particularly when you come to places like this. Teams might be struggling, as we saw at Newport, but you’ve still got to go there and do things right.

“We’ve shown time and time again that we don’t fold if we go behind. We don’t panic, we keep going and that’s because we know we have goals in this team.”

On his eighth goal of the season, he said: “My eyes lit up when that cross came in. The gaffer keeps talking about the fact we have brilliant players out wide, with the likes of Lambe, Grainger, Devitt and Adams, and it’s our job to get in the box and meet these great crosses they put in.

“Fortunately I managed to do that today and I’m very pleased to get back amongst the goals. It was one of those where sometimes you catch them sweetly and you know right away it’s going in. It went in the bottom corner and, like I say, it was a superb ball in from Nicky.

“To be honest it was the type of game I enjoy. When you’ve all dug deep to get the result you enjoy it more anyway. It would have been nice to win comfortably, don’t get me wrong, but when you put that much effort in it feels great to come away with the points.”

“Once we got ahead with the goal from Jason [Kennedy] I think we showed that we’d learned the lessons of the first half,” he told us. “He was in a great position and it was a good goal. We made sure we were all behind the ball when we needed to be and we did what we had to do.

“It’s all looking good for us with the league position at the moment but we have to make sure we keep it going. Something else the gaffer has said is that if we do the hard work off the pitch everything else will take care of itself.

“What we have to bear in mind is that as much as we’re keeping things going the other teams are still winning behind us. It’s relentless but I think we’re learning all the time and that’s why we’ve got a good chance of being successful.

“I think the thing which is keeping us strikers on our toes at the moment is the competition for places. It is a smaller squad size this season but it’s really competitive. There’s real quality so you know when you come into the team that you have to be on it or someone else will step up.

“It’s bringing the best out of everyone and that’s only ever a good thing. We all want the same thing out of it, and that’s to be successful, so that’s why every player who takes to the field is giving everything they’ve got.”

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Read Time: 4 mins