CLUB: Cumbrians! released on Saturday

New song available on CD in the Blues Store on Saturday

United fans can pick up their copy of the brand new song – Cumbrians! – this week as it hits the Blues Store ahead of the Barnet home game on Saturday morning.

The song, written by North West based musician and composer Steve Brown, has been backed by the Carlisle United Supporters’ Groups and is the brainchild of lifelong Blues fan Peter Scholes.

Speaking this week, Peter said: “We are both thrilled to finally get the song onto a CD and ready for the Blues Store. It has been a labour of love for the club we love.

“It would be amazing to hear it played around the ground and even sang by the fans in the Warwick. We really hope the fans warm to the tune.

“Steve and I have decided that the money we make from sales of the song will go towards a fundraiser to get a friend a new wheelchair. He sits in the disabled section in the Pioneer Foodservice Stand and it will be fantastic for us to be able to help him.

“The club are donating their share to their charity partners, so it’s good for us all to know that some great causes are being helped by this project.”

Click the play button above to listen to an extract from the new song – Cumbrians!

The CD will be available from the Blues store on Saturday morning, priced at £3. All profits go to the good causes mentioned.

Click HERE to download the song on iTunes.

Click HERE to download the song on Amazon.

Click HERE to download the song on Google Play.

Background to the song – Cumbrians!

North West based musician and composer Steve Brown was responsible for the writing of Cumbrians! Steve originally hails from Oxfordshire but considers Carlisle his second home after marrying into a family from Todhills.

Musically speaking, Steve is somewhat a nomad. He’s written classical compositions for the Brodsky String Quartet and Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, covered world music with Nigerian percussionist Lekan Babalola and Samba Central (working in Rio De Janeiro) and released his own more leftfield pop offerings in the form of his alter-ego 'This Is Progress'.

Steve works in a number of schools in Lancashire and this is where he met exiled Cumbrian, Peter Scholes, a lifelong Blue.

Peter Scholes said: "After working alongside Steve and developing a good friendship, I asked him if he would consider writing a song for Carlisle United. We are having a great season and I thought it would be a good time to do it as the buzz builds towards a promotion push.

"I wanted something upbeat and catchy and I knew Steve would be more than capable of this. Thankfully, he was really keen on the idea too."
Steve reflected on the process: “I wanted the song to be based on the history of the club and Carlisle itself. I was after a proper old rock feel with a strong hook that everyone could sing along to.

"Cumbrians! was initially written in my studio in Lancashire but I was keen to get true Cumbrians on the song. I made the trip to Brunton Park with Pete and recorded some great backing vocals from Allerdale Girls Teams and their parents. I must also give thanks to John Halpin and his team for their help (and patience) on the day. I was really happy with the result!"
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