MANAGER: We have a healthy squad to choose from

An injury update from the Friday afternoon press conference

Manager Keith Curle brought us up to date with the latest news on the injured players at his Friday afternoon press conference where it was revealed that Jason Kennedy had been through a surgical procedure on a troublesome groin injury.

“Danny Grainger and Jason Kennedy are our only absentees,” he said. “Everybody else trained yesterday [Thursday] and there have been no complaints. That gives us a very healthy squad to pick from.

“Mike Jones has trained solidly all week and he got another 45 minutes in the reserve game against Burnley on Tuesday. Other players have had days off, but Mike passed that up so that he could keep on top of things.

“His reward is that he’s ready to start on Saturday if we feel we need him to do that. It was interesting to find from the Tuesday bounce game that his stats for distance travelled matched what Luke Joyce had done at Orient on Saturday. That proved to us that he’s chomping at the bit. It’s good to see him back and involved with no fear.

“It’s always good to see good players coming back into the group. Likewise with Danny, he is back out on the grass and doing some straight line running. As and when Neil Dalton and Lee Fearn deem him to be fit and available, that’s when we’ll bring him back.”

“With Jason Kennedy, it’s a case of waiting to see,” he commented. “He’s under a specialist and rather than have me guess you are more than welcome to speak to Dolly to get an explanation of where he’s at, because it’s possible that it isn’t a straightforward situation [Jason Kennedy underwent an operation on a groin problem today and will now be subject to a period of rest, followed by rehabilitation, with a view to getting him back as and when the surgeon feels he’s ready to cope with the day-to-day rigours of football – editor].

“The only other one was Shaun Brisley. He trained well on Thursday so he’s back and ready. He’s working hard and, having had the situation where he was placed on the available for transfer list, his reaction has been to work as hard as possible to try to get back in the team.”

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