FORUM: Evening with Keith Curle at the Ex Services Men's Club - NEW DATE

Evening with Keith Curle and his staff now on 27 April

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Evening with Keith Curle and his Management Team, scheduled for Thursday 23 February at the Ex Services Men's Club, has been postponed and will now be held on Thursday 27 April at the same venue (event starts at 7pm).

Keith and his coaching staff will be there to meet the fans and to answer questions, and the evening will include a top quality comedian, pie and peas and a raffle – all for just £5!*

Please note - tickets already purchased will be VALID for the rearranged date. Full refunds are available from the point of purchase, if required.

Manager Keith Curle said: "This is an evening we are looking forward to. The Ex Services Men’s Club always look after us really well and hopefully people will come along again because we all like to meet new faces and share our thoughts on why we do things the way we do."

United's media officer Andy Hall said: "We've had a lot of feedback about the event over the course of the last week and, having listened to that, we've taken the decision to push it back to give everyone the opportunity to be there.

"It looks like it's going to be another extremely popular evening so we would advise people to get their tickets sooner rather than later."

Martyn Vevers from Heineken UK said: "We want as many people as possible to be able to attend what is always a fascinating insight into how the first team manager and his staff do their jobs.

"Keith and his staff have worked hard to build a strong relationship with the fans and it’s events like this which help that to get stronger. The manager has shown at other forums that he answers any questions put to him openly and honestly and it will be fantastic to see him do that again at the Ex Services Men’s Club.”

Tickets are on sale now from the Carlisle United ticket office, the Blues Store on Warwick Road and directly from the Ex Services Men’s Club.

Thursday 27 April 2017, 7pm, Carlisle Ex Services Men’s Club
An Evening with Keith Curle and his Management Team
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