
Carlisle United's CST National Citizen Service project welcomed 16 new students recently for another very successful course.

The group started things off with the ‘adventure phase’ - a four-day outdoor pursuits adventure package held up at Lockerbie Manor, just north of the border.

Students were encouraged to face and overcome their fears by taking part in activities such as abseiling, kayaking, fencing and archery.

The pursuits also gave the participants the chance to bond as a group and to get to know each other as they worked their way through the tasks. 

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On their return from the residential package they embarked on the ‘discovery phase’ of the NCS programme, learning all about their local community and developing personal skills.

They rounded off their experience by planning and delivering a Social Action Project.

This was a chance for the participants to give a little back to their community and put into practice some of the skills they had been developing.

One group of students chose to volunteer their hours and labour down at a local football club as they helped to refurbish areas of the ground.

Others chose to raise money for the Mountain Rescue. They cycled the total height of the world's tallest 10 mountains in relay - 85km in 5 hours 40 minutes - and raised in the region of £250.

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NCS coordinator Carl Carr said: "Our Autumn NCS group were an absolute joy to work with.

"They got a lot achieved due to their great attitude towards maximising their NCS experience and, again, it was a real pleasure to be a part of it.

"Seeing the journey these young individuals go on, and how they grow as people throughout the programme, is massively rewarding for me as a programme leader."

CUFC CST will be running more NCS courses during easter and summer of 2018.

For more information on Mountain Rescue, click HERE.

For more information on the CST NCS scheme, email Carl Carr on 

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