
CUSG Meeting Summary, The Boardroom, Brunton Park, 4 December 2017.

Attendance – Simon Clarkson (Chair, London Branch), Alastair Woodcock, Jim Mitchell (CUOSC), Keith Elliott (CUSAT), John Ireland (West Cumbria Travel), Barry Carter (Disabled Fans’ Group), Nigel Clibbens, Phil King, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon, Nigel Dickinson (CUFC)

Apologies – Kate Rowley, Joanne Merrie (CUSAT), Keith Ward (Scottish Supporter), John Kukuc (CUOSC)

Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.

Items of action from last meeting
Alastair had produced letter headed stationery for the Disabled Group, as requested.
All other actions addressed in the agenda, as below.

Disabled Group
Options for providing a shelter for visiting disabled supporters were being assessed including sourcing a surplus bus shelter.

A claim made online that the club had been offered ‘free’ labour and materials from a local firm for erecting a shelter for disabled supporters, and turned it down, was rejected by the club. They had not received any such offer. However, the club made it clear that if any firm were willing to offer their services for free in such a way, they would of course be very willing to talk to them.

Good progress had been made with the disabled fans’ car park.

The sign for the lift to the ticket office had been removed but would be replaced with a new one asap.

The signage for the disabled toilets was considered adequate.

The group had held another meeting last week. Amongst points being discussed was the possibility of registering as a charity. A fund-raising draw had been arranged and would be carried out by CUSAT on their coaches to Forest Green. Prizes were being sought. Tickets were available.

Forest Green had only offered 20 seats to CUFC supporters. Disabled fans would only be offered one if they were accompanied by a carer. Nigel C reported a general level of disquiet from clubs at the last regional EFL meeting concerning facilities for away supporters.

Ground Update
Work on repairing the EWM Stand was complete. The scaffolding was still to come down. There was some flashing to be put on the front of the stand. It was hoped that the stand would be re-open in time for the Port Vale home game. It would require re-certification first.

A contract was under discussion for erection of a large screen at the Waterworks End. There was no firm timescale yet for it.

ABM, the club’s catering partners, were advertising for a new manager.

Drinks were being decanted into plastic glasses around the ground, from plastic bottles. This was due to a rule which states no spectator can consume alcohol in sight of the pitch.

Decanting into plastic glasses made it easier to enforce this rule. It may only be a temporary arrangement and is in place on advice from the Safety Advisory Group and Safety Officer. 

Discussion about possible summer concert(s) was under way. The club were keen once again to host such events. The ‘time window’ for next summer was similar to last summer’s.

A complaint from two supporters had been received about one steward, which would be investigated.

The acquiring of match day flags was still in progress and would be sorted out after Christmas.

CUSG Finance
Amount in the bank was unchanged at £2,280.21.

CUFC Finances
Audits were complete for both 1921 and Holdings entities. The accounts would be approved later this month. Average attendances were within budgetary targets, so far.

Projects to fund
A list of potential projects was circulated. Individual groups to discuss these internally with their memberships.

Items of interest

Priority remains stadium development. Jim summarised progress to date.

A fans’ forum was still to arrange. It would be targeted for the new year.

Feedback from the quiz night held last month had been very positive.

Food bank collection – scheduled for Port Vale game 16/12. Could be combined with CFM ‘Cash for Kids’ appeal, and a donation of toys. A banner to promote Food Bank collections to be produced.

West Cumbrian Travel
Thanks had been passed on from a representative of Whitehaven Amateurs after kids had been accommodated at the Yeovil match.

London Branch
The branch had made a donation to the CUFC academy, to support travel to a tournament in Manchester. These funds had come from ‘40 Club’ draws.

A banner was being acquired for display in the Waterworks, acknowledging Tony Hopper and Motor Neurone disease.

Any Other Business
There had been limited interest in the Prostate Cancer/EFL charity bike ride. Anybody interested should get in touch with the club.

The problems with water pressure in the East Stand had been corrected.

New signs had been erected for A to E Stands.

Norman Steel had a collection of old programmes to sell, on behalf of CUOSC.

Umbro were in talks with the club about next season’s strip designs. Feedback was sought from the groups concerning colours and styles.

CUFC had raised approx. £1400 for the poppy appeal.

Next meeting – 15 Jan 2018

Read Time: 4 mins