
As a mark of respect to those who lost their lives in the tragic events in Barcelona on Thursday evening, the players will be wearing black armbands for today's game.

On Thursday afternoon, whilst thousands were shopping, working and relaxing a van was driven into an unsuspecting crowd in the Las Ramblas area of Barcelona. 

13 innocent people lost their lives and many others were injured in a mindless attack that has left the world asking why? 

Football stands united with the people of Barcelona and the players here today are wearing black armbands in respect to all those affected by this terrible tragedy.

Attacks might be rare, and it is unlikely that supporters will be caught up in one, nonetheless the message is #ActionCountersTerrorism.

To help keep yourself and others safe, you should:

· Arrive early, allowing more time for security checks.

· Minimise what you carry, fewer bag searches will speed up entry to the ground.

· Be vigilant at all times and if you see anything suspicious, tell a steward right away.

· If you see anything that could pose an immediate threat to safety, call 999.

· In an emergency, listen to the Public Address instructions and follow them.

· If told to evacuate, you should do so immediately, do not wait around to film events on your mobile.

· Move right away from the stadium as quickly as possible for your safety and to allow clear access for any emergency vehicles.

· Once safe, follow the local police force on Twitter for updates.

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