INTERVIEW: I was so excited when I got the shout

Midfielder Samir Nabi on his first appearance for the club

Former West Brom midfielder Samir Nabi came off the bench to make his first appearance for the club at Huish Park last Saturday and he immediately wowed the fans with some excellent footwork and an all-action contribution.

We caught up with him in the player’s tunnel after the game to get his thoughts on taking to the pitch in front of some very noisy United fans.

“It was excellent to finally be out there and involved,” he said. “I was so excited when I got the shout to come on but the main thing is that I’m happy for the team that we got three points. That was the most important thing.

“The first feeling when the manager told me I was going on was excitement. Hopefully, God-willing, I’ll be able to make it a few more appearances as well. For a first appearance it was a great one to be involved with. It’s always good to win and to be part of it.”

The reception he received from the Carlisle fans as he danced through two challenges right in front of the away section was what young players dream of, and he admitted that it had put a smile on his face.

“The aim was to show everybody a little bit of what I’m about,” he told us. “I just wanted to get on and get through it and show what I’m capable of doing. It was even more exciting when I got the ball in front of the fans because I could really hear them.

“I’m not too sure what I did with the cut back, that didn’t quite go to plan, and I was thinking afterwards that I maybe could have had a shot myself. It all helps me to settle though and I just want more of it now.”

“The big thing is that victory means so much to the lads,” he confirmed. “Hopefully we’ll kick on now and go for a play-off push. It’s time for us to put the defeats behind us and go for as many wins as possible.

“It’s such a good dressing room so it’s great to see them after a win. The senior players demand a lot of everyone, including themselves, and they want to make sure we are all doing things right all the time. The focus is on getting three points every week.”

On his move up to Cumbria, he said: “Trying to get everything sorted so that I could come here has been exciting as well. It was good to be invited up here and then we needed to get the paperwork done so that I could get my first game.

“I’m obviously really pleased that it’s all sorted and we can get on with it now. In my eyes I’m at an age where I think I’ve got something to prove. I’m still young and I’m still fresh and hungry and I’ve had a taste of what this club is about.

“I left West Brom on very good terms, it was a great club for me, and I know they all want me to do well at Carlisle. It was difficult to leave having been with them for so long but, after today, I wouldn’t say there are any regrets.

"First team football is what I’ve dreamed about and wanted to do for so long and it’s here for me now. I’m grateful to West Brom for the grounding and development but I’ve been ready for this moment for a long time.

“I had a spell in India – that came about because my brother went over there a year ago - because I thought that was an experience I couldn’t turn down at the time. I learned a lot about myself and the game but I really am happy to be here now. Hopefully the next step will be more minutes at Brunton Park next Saturday.”

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Read Time: 4 mins