CST: Sports Trust scores with new Trustees

CST Trustees Board welcomes new additions

United's Community Sports Trust are celebrating with the appointment of four new trustees to their managing board.

The Carlisle United Community Sports Trust, which provides multi skill sports activities in community settings and schools in Carlisle and throughout Cumbria, are delighted to announce the recent additions to their team.

The new trustees include Sue Kaveney, Managing Director of Kaveney HR Solutions, based in Carlisle, Phil King, Sales and Marketing Director at Carlisle United FC, Rachel Suddart, Owner of Words by Rachel, a Marketing & Communications company based in West Cumbria and Steve Smith recently retired after 40 years with Lloyds Banking Group.

Each brings a new set of skills and useful experience to the already accomplished team. The new trustees have already started working with the board to explore areas for development including activities in West Cumbria and the expansion of the girls’ football programme.

CST’s Chair Jim Mitchell said: “We have been looking to broaden the experience and expertise within our Board of Trustees and I couldn’t be more pleased with our revamped team. We know how our staff and the activities and services they provide are valued by the community and the addition of new trustees will hopefully provide the impetus to take the Trust to the next stage in its development.”

Sue Kaveney said: “I have worked with John Halpin for several years providing him with HR support and so was delighted when he asked if I would consider joining the Board of Trustees. I look forward to taking a more strategic role and helping the Trust go from strength to strength.  Carlisle is my home town and I am very proud to be associated with the charity and the fantastic team of staff there."

Rachel Suddart said: “I’m thrilled to join the board of the Community Sports Trust and look forward to utilising my marketing and communications experience to help spread the word about their fantastic outreach programme. I’m particularly interested in the effects of sport and culture within communities and how they can be used to help create aspiration, build confidence and reduce social isolation. The talent within the team is tremendous and I’m excited about helping them to achieve their targets.”

Steve Smith said: “The Community Sports Trust has achieved significant success delivering sporting activity-promoting health and well-being to communities across Cumbria. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with the Trust to build on this success and help plan any future growth in a sustainable and inclusive way.”

Phil King added: “The Community Sports Trust is an important part of the Carlisle United family, and these new additions to the Board of Trustees show a continuing effort to grow the impact and scope of the organisation. For the Club and the CST to work in partnership is imperative for the growth and the future of both organisations, as we continue to engage families and communities across Cumbria.”

Winner of the Social Enterprise and the Community Involvement categories at CNMedia’s 2016 Business Awards, the CUFC Community Sports Trust is a registered charity which provides a wide range of outreach programmes for people of all ages and abilities.

Based at Brunton Park, its staff visits schools, colleges, universities and community organisations daily to deliver activities which, in many cases, would not otherwise be available to its participants.

Headed up by a former player, John Halpin, the CST employs a team of 15 full and part time staff who reach up to 15,000 people with their community programmes each year.

Activities include seasonal soccer schools for 5 to 12 year olds and the Futsal Education Scholarship for 16 to 18 year olds, which makes them University ready through the delivery of a range of qualifications and certificates.

They also deliver a Foundation Degree in Community Football Coaching and Development, with the University of South Wales and the NCS programme which takes sixth form students on challenging activities to nurture leadership and team work.

The programme also caters for participants through a series of Mental Health and Walking Football projects delivered in association with Age UK and the Cumbria NHS Partnership. The activities have been commended by both Age UK and the NHS for their inclusive nature.

New projects for 2017 include the development and expansion of the Premier girls’ football programme and additional delivery in West Cumbria. The Trust will hold its annual awards on May 2.

For more information on Carlisle United Sports Trust activities and programmes please contact communitycoaches@carlisleunited.co.uk

Pictured Trustees - Sue Kaveney, Steve Smith, Phil King, Rachel Suddart and Jim Mitchell (Chair) with some of the CUST team.
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