NCS: More students complete popular course

NCS students graduate at the end of their programme

The popular and successful Carlisle United NCS scheme enjoyed its latest celebration last week when 34 students graduated as part of the 2016 programme.

The Mayor and Mayoress of Carlisle were guests of honour in Foxy’s Restaurant for the event and it was smiles all round as the certificates were handed out.

NCS coordinator John Sander said: “The graduation ceremony is the culmination of a lot of hard work for the students and it’s good for them to receive their certificates and awards from two such distinguished people.

“We’d like to thank the Mayor and Mayoress for coming along and we’d like to congratulate the students on their achievement. They put a lot of effort in to their residential courses and the Social Action Projects they had to do, and they have been a credit to themselves and their schools.”

For more information on our NCS Scheme ring John Sander on 01228 554 169 or email him at
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