INTERVIEW: It was unbelievable

Charlie Wyke on Blackpool and scoring goals

We spoke to striker Charlie Wyke to find out what it's like to score in front of over 2,700 away fans, as he did in the second half at Blackpool.

"It was unbelievable with almost 3,000 fans there," he told us. "My family were in there as well - I couldn't see them because there were so many fans, but it was great to score in front of them all.

"It was a weird one because the shot took a deflection and came off the bar, then it seemed like it was in the air for ages. I'll take them all day when they're only a few yards away from goal though!"

"I saw the fans running to the front and I did think about jumping over the barrier," he admitted. "However, I'd have probably ended up tripping and I'd have been given a yellow card as well. The away following is always great but to see that many was fantastic.

"If we're going to be in the top seven the support will be fantastic all season. We're still unbeaten so hopefully we can keep that going. The confidence is flowing right through the squad and hopefully we can keep it going and get a few more wins."

On the announcement this week that the Dubious Goals Committee has awarded him the disputed winning goal at Oldham, he said: "I'm just glad they've given me it. There was no doubt about it really, but it's nice to be able to add it on to my tally for the season. It gets the lads off my back as well because everyone kept saying it wasn't mine!

"I'd have been a bit frustrated if they didn't give me it but I've got it now. That means I've got five goals so far and hopefully I can get a lot more."

"I've just been told I've scored 25 goals in 65 appearances since I got here, which isn't a bad goals to game ratio really," he continued. "I would still like it to be better, but some of those appearances have been off the bench, so I'm quite happy with that.

"If I'm involved I always like to get on the score sheet. There's competition for every position in the team and we've got a few strikers, so I've just got to keep working hard in training and see what happens. Hopefully I can stay at the top of the goal scoring table!"

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