NCS: We have a good template in place

John Sander with an October NCS update

Our latest group of NCS students were away on their weekend residential in Lockerbie last week and we spoke to NCS coordinator John Sander about the experience, and about our continually developing NCS course.

“Our NCS course is really established now,” he said. “We have a good template in place, which I work through, and it’s established in the school as well. We’ve got some students who are doing the PE course at Carlisle College with us, so it is expanding.

“The main thing the students gain from the residential experience is fun. It’s the thing they seem to remember the most and it’s an experience they perhaps won’t have again.

“The communication, listening, team work and friendship skills they gain are vital. We have people from different backgrounds coming together and working together which hopefully will continue in the future.”

On making sure the course keeps pace with current requirements, he said: “There are always changes which come from the NCS offices in London.

“The course has improved and I think there are more systems in place now to make it a better experience, as well as making sure the outcomes are more focussed.”

“The good thing is that employers do recognise the qualification,” he told us. “I take the students to Pirelli, and it’s a course which is known and talked about there.

“I know if the students put it on their UCAS forms it’s talked about in their university interviews, and I’ve given a few students references so it is getting increased national credibility.

“The students all seem to enjoy the course, they go away with smiles on their faces and I get good feedback from parents. To me that means things are really positive, but we won’t rest on our laurels. We’ll continue to push the course and the students as much as we can.”

For more information on our NCS programme call John Sander on 07972 382 429 or email

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