MANAGER: We've recruited people who understand their roles

Keith Curle on good habits, consistency and trialists

United head into the weekend with a record-making start to the season to protect and manager Keith Curle spoke to day of the work put in on the training day which has contributed to the club’s best ever league start to a campaign.

“The run has been built on good habits,” he said. “The players are taking what they do through the working week and bringing it onto the pitch. They’re confident and that comes down to having a real work ethic.

“What we do now is work harder because we know we’re gaining by what we’re doing. The important thing is for the players to keep producing high levels of performances whereby they put themselves in the best position possible to get results.

“Their attention to detail is exceptional and we make sure we test the players every day. We’re breaking boundaries and trying to get everybody to the next level of what they can achieve. Everything is geared towards the players being able to produce combinations and passages of play which can be used during the 90 minutes. That realism in training makes it easier to replicate on a Saturday.”

“A lot of what has been positive in recent weeks has come from keeping clean sheets,” he added. “That’s also down to hard work. We cover transitions from attacking to defending repeatedly and everyone understands their roles, whether we’re in or out of possession.

“Sometimes it just means throwing your body in the way and we’re prepared to do that as well. None of this has happened by accident. We’ve recruited people who understand their roles and responsibilities and who have a desire to be successful.

“We have a range of leaders in the group, and we’re seeing that people can lead in different ways. Sometimes saying the right words at the right time and in the right manner can have a hugely positive impact. Sometimes you have to be prepared to give a rollicking. Getting those aspects right can help to bring the best out of everyone.”

Looking ahead to Saturday’s game and the aim of extending the run, he said: “We want to win games and the teams above us are there because they’ve been on prolonged runs of winning consecutive games. That’s what we want to aspire to.

“I think that’s why our fans are responding so positively at the moment. They know their team is giving them everything. All we can say to everyone is come and enjoy what we’re trying to produce because we have a very professional and conscientious group of players who want to do well.

“When there’s a vibe about the football club it’s an exciting place to go and work. We’re geared to cope with bigger crowds and more people are coming because the experience is getting better and better.

“Hartlepool will bring a lot but I know our fans won’t be drowned out. The level of loyal support we get at home is fantastic. We’re appealing to more people to come but there’s a massive thank you to those who already do. Hopefully the loyalty shown by everybody will be rewarded with performances and results.

“It goes without saying that we want even more fans with us. I put a figure on it last week but the fact is we want more people to come and support us. We want the Carlisle public to come and watch us and create the atmosphere we think we can generate inside Brunton Park.”

Speaking about striker Charlie Wyke, he said: “Charlie did some work on the grass with Neil Dalton earlier this week and he’ll do more today with Lee Fearn so we can see where he’s at.

“Hopefully, if we get no reaction, he’ll be available for training on Friday and for the game on Saturday.

“Tuesday gave us a chance to look at a few trialists but none of those we didn’t know about will be asked back. Derek [Asamoah] played well and we’re getting to a point where need to make a decision, both for his sake and for ours.

“He’s applied himself really well and he’s integrated very well with the group. There’s a financial situation which has to be right for all parties but he knows we like him.

“Alexander [McQueen] also had a good game. He has different attributes to what we have here in terms of being an attack-minded full back. He has a change of pace and he’s dynamic and can handle a ball well. He can turn defence into attack quickly and that’s something we feel we can enhance.

“Ultimately it will come down to whether or not we think it fits. Will it work by bringing him in to the club and, again, will it work financially? We have to see if we can fit him into the group in terms of budget and skill-sets. I might have to try and reshuffle the pack to create an opening, and that’s something I will look at with no promises made either way.”

“The player from Chelsea didn’t play on Tuesday,” he concluded. “He had a trial game with a Premier League club who were thinking about adding him to their development squad.

“He picked up a knock, so he wasn’t able to play, but he’s back with us next Monday where we will continue to have a look at him.”

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