CUSG: Minutes from the October meeting

CUSG minutes from the October meeting

CUSG meeting held on October 20, 2016 - Sponsor's Lounge, Brunton Park

Attendance: Nigel Clibbens, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon, Nigel Dickinson (CUFC), Jim Mitchell (CUOSC), Alastair Woodcock (CUOSC/Acting Secretary), Joanne Merrie (CUSAT), Simon Clarkson (London Branch/Chairman), John Ireland (Route 66), Barry Carter (Disabled Fans Rep), Michelle Hall (Treasurer)

Ground Restoration

The handover of the East Stand offices was to take place this coming Tuesday. The ticket office would move to the East Stand on weekdays. Match day tickets would still be sold from existing location in West Stand. There were three meeting rooms in the East Stand. Plans to revamp the Sunset Suite were in progress. The group was asked to consult their members over potential upgrades, including the use of memorabilia, club shirts, etc. The Business Club would be approached to help with supply of new equipment. CUOSC to include this in a future survey of members. Simon and Nigel Clibbens to liaise on the co-ordination and funding of this project.

Fun Day 2017

Simon, Suzanne Kidd and Tarn Simmons had already had a meeting about planning for this event. The group was to be consulted about the type of things they would like to see at this event. An initial idea from Jim was for live music to be laid on. Tours of the ground would again be possible, after restoration was complete. Groups were asked to come up with three ideas each in time for the next meeting.

Investment Update

Nigel reported on the latest situation. A meeting at short notice had been held with the potential investor from overseas. The club had requested more info from him and had been supplied with it. The club were keeping in touch and discussions were ongoing. The recently announced re-organisation of the club's boards was linked to the investment negotiations. Jim stated that CUOSC, as second largest shareholder, was attempting to be as constructive as possible.

Disabled Facilities

Simon, Barry and Andy had met to discuss the position. A page had been created on the club's website for a proper disabled supporters' group. A meeting would be organised to take place before the next CUSG meeting. The study centre was identified as a suitable location for this meeting, to be held on a match day. Matt Spooner from World Group had been consulted about glass/perspex coverings for disabled shelters. Colin Carter had been asked to look into required upgrades to toilet facilities for disabled fans. The plan to provide audio commentary facilities had been scrapped for the time being after consultation.


The process of establishing a bank account for the group was ongoing. Michelle Hall had been appointed as treasurer. Simon reported about 100 PIN badges remained unsold. With the plan to finance the purchase of audio commentary equipment scrapped, the focus had moved on to Go Pro cameras for the media department. The media team already produced more video content for the website than almost any other English club. Go Pro produced small cameras that could go almost anywhere and be used to record content from the training ground and potentially inside the changing rooms. Two quotes had been acquired. CUSG would seek to make a donation to the club to enable them to purchase the cameras. Simon and Andy were liaising on this.


Plans to put a marquee in the car park for the Crawley game had had to be scrapped. However plans were afoot to provide a marquee for the last home game before Christmas versus Yeovil on December 17. Plans were advanced to mark the launch of this year's British Legion poppy appeal at the game with Crawley on October 29. John had organised a group of about 30 former King's Own Royal Border Regiment soldiers, who would attend the game as guests of the club. Plans were in place to form a guard of honour before the kick off and for one of them to bring the match ball out to the centre spot. The soldiers were organising a plaque for the club.

Plans for an event featuring ex players in the New Year had been announced. This had been set up as a result of co-operation between the club and Stephen Dunn of the Old Fire Station, which would act as venue. Derek Mountfield, Chris Lumsdon, Hughie McIlmoyle and John Halpin were all confirmed attendees. The group were told of Paul Simpson's attendance, which would be announced later through the media. The capacity for this event would be 160, which would be 'CUSG badged'. The ex-players would also be available for the following day's match v Morecambe.

Club Song

The group were played the planned club song, that had been promoted to the club by Peter Scholes. A plan was discussed to get Junior Blues members to sing the chorus and record it. Simon would liaise with Peter over the setting up of this.

Trading Name

The group discussed ideas for a new trading name for CUSG. 'CUSG' was seen as another acronym and not very marketable. A short list was drawn up and the groups would be asked to select their preferred option in time for next meeting.


The Evening With Keith Curle organised by CUOSC was considered a success. £500 was raised, half of which would go to the Great North Air Ambulance. The London Branch were planning an event in London with Keith in February.

Simon raised concerns about communications with the club, some of which were going unanswered. Nigel asked to be copied in to any emails sent to club personnel so he could personally follow up.

CUOSC were holding a Quiz Night on November 18. The club planned to enter at least one team. Proceeds would again be split 50:50 with the GNAA.

It was agreed that CUSG should have a Facebook and Twitter presence to promote their work.

The 'happy hour' put on for the Hartlepool game had not been greatly supported, despite good promotion.

The incident in the East Stand at the Hartlepool game was discussed. A supporter had suffered an injury in an altercation with a member of the Response Team. The matter was being dealt with. Coverage of it was expected in the local media.
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