INTERVIEW: It just wasn't our day

Tom Miller on bouncing back from the Newport defeat

We spoke to defender Tom Miller shortly after full time at Newport on Saturday.

“It just wasn’t our day,” he said. “We didn’t start the game like we have been in the first half. We didn’t adapt to the conditions and the style of their play. There were different factors but we’ll regroup now, get back to what we’ve been doing during the week and hopefully start a new run on Saturday.

“If we dwell on this and look at it too much we won’t get anywhere. We know we’re more than capable of going on another unbeaten run. Our thoughts are already on the Exeter game and we’ll be looking to rebuild and go another 20 games or so unbeaten.

“We’ll probably go over the game on Monday and look at areas that we can improve on. The gaffer likes to do that and I think it’s important for us as players to do that. There are always areas you can improve and come Saturday we’ll make sure we’re at it and ready to go again."

“The feeling in the dressing room is strange," he admitted. "I was just saying to Jason Kennedy that the last time we felt this was against Oxford at home at the end of last season. It’s a weird feeling, not a nice one, and not one we want to get used to.

"I think that’s credit to the lads in the dressing room. We’ve got a great bunch and when we lose we aren’t happy about it. It will ruin my weekend and I know it does with other lads as well. I’ll spend all weekend thinking about it but come Monday all I’ll be thinking about is next Saturday."

“There were spells on the game where we were on top and we did show our quality," he continued. "We came out in the second half well, but I think they caught us with a lucky break. Their lad tried to clear it into row Z but it went to one of their players. It was just one of those days where things weren’t quite falling for us.

“We showed glimpses of us at our best and why we are at the top end of the table, so we’ll take that out of the game. There were some good passages of play and hat's what we have to build on.

“There are a lot of things which the team has done right so far this season so we can’t get too downhearted. We appreciate the fans coming all the way down here to support us, they all stayed behind and clapped us off as well.

"We’ll make sure we get back to good habits and hopefully recreate more history at the club, which is what all the lads want to do. Hopefully we can do that with all of the fans backing us.”

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