MANAGER: We want them both to be hungry to play

Keith Curle on the hunt for a second number one

Manager Keith Curle revealed this week that he is looking to recruit a goalkeeper who will provide stiff competition for long-serving stopper Mark Gillespie as the search for improvement in all areas continues.

“I want to bring in another number one,” he insisted. “I want to see a player who will come here with a clear desire to be first choice. If I have two keepers who both want the shirt then whoever gets it is going to be playing well. 

“Mark [Gillespie] has set the bench mark of what’s required and I think there’s been a fantastic level of improvement from him. There are still elements within his game I know we can improve further and, if we do that, he can potentially be a Championship goalkeeper. That’s the level we’re looking at.” 

“Simon Tracey’s job right now is to find us the right calibre of person to come in and compete,” he added. “We won’t find a finished article, or a Joe Hart who will go on to represent his country in two or three years, but we will find someone with key attributes we can use. 

“It’s a key position and we want our keepers to be battling all the way for the right to be out there for us. Simon has brought a lot to the mix in terms of the coaching work he does and I know he wants the same. He wants driven, hungry keepers who will keep each other on their toes.”

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