INTERVIEW: The gaffer really wanted me here

New signing Nicky Adams on his decision to come to Cumbria

Experienced midfielder Nicky Adams spoke to us this week about his move to Cumbria on a two-year deal which keeps him at Brunton Park until at least the summer of 2018.

“I'm absolutely delighted,” he said. “It's been a long time coming because the gaffer has been trying to get me for a while. As soon as he phoned and asked me if I would like to come up here I jumped at the chance. 

“I think the gaffer actually tried to get me in January. That didn’t happen and I had a really good season last year, but things have changed. The manager at Northampton has left, the new man has come in and he's got his own ideas. 

“It's nice to feel wanted and Keith [Curle] has been after me for a while, and he really sold the club to me. I had a few clubs who wanted me to go and speak to them but as soon as I'd spoke to the gaffer and Lee [Dykes] it was a no-brainer for me. They told me about their ambitions and where they want the club to be, and it just felt right from the start.”

“I want to play football, and the gaffer really wanted me here, so that was why I made the decision,” he confirmed. “I think it will come as a surprise to many people but things happen in football. 

“I had a great relationship with Chris Wilder but he left I wish them all the best because they've got a great group of lads there. I had a special year with them. Northampton is a really good club and I can't thank everyone there enough really. 

“It's always disappointing when you leave somewhere where you've enjoyed yourself. I spoke to the lads there this morning and they're gutted. Some of them are probably happy to see the back of me, because I do their head in, but things change in football. 

“I still had a contract at Northampton but they're going in a different direction, which I respect. I've played here a few times and I know the fans get right behind the team so I'm really looking forward to it.”

On getting the deal over the line, he said: “I think it's good to get things sorted as early as you can because you don't want to be waiting around. I had a few offers but this felt right, so I didn't feel like I needed to speak to anyone else. 

“There were offers from League One and League Two but I wanted to show Keith the same faith he'd shown in me. When you're wanted it's a major part of your decision. 

“The aim here is promotion, I've spoken to the gaffer and Lee and they both want to be up there next season. The last two years have been unbelievable for me and I'm here to get promoted. There are a lot of good teams in the league but we'll be giving it everything. 

“I think anyone who knows me will know I'll give it my all. I'm just really looking forward to getting started now.”

Part two of this interview will appear on the official website on Thursday morning.

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