CUSG: Update from the latest CUSG meeting

Update from the latest CUSG meeting

CUSG Summary - Wednesday 18 May 2016
Sponsor's Lounge, Brunton Park

Carlisle United - Phil King, Suzanne Kidd, Nigel Dickinson, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon
CUOSC - John Kukuc, Alastair Woodcock
CUSAT - Joanne Merrie, Ali Ross
Route 66 - John Ireland
Disabled Fans Rep - Barry Carter
Phil chaired the meeting following the resignation as fans rep of Claire Winder. Phil suggested meetings to take place every 6-8 weeks in future, with sub-groups formed to progress projects between meetings.
Premier League Fans Fund / Upgrade of disabled facilities
First £10,000 had been paid to CUOSC, to cover cost of travel to 'home' games while CUFC were out of Brunton Park. Another £10,000 was available. Fans required to make application. CUOSC to lead on fresh application - funds to be aimed at improvement of disabled facilities at Brunton Park.  Barry Carter offered to get feedback to help design facility. Disabled supporters typically housed at ground level and there was a need to offer a better view. Barry, Ali Ross and Nigel Dickinson to lead on this project.
Brunton Park facilities
There was a wide-ranging discussion about facilities at Brunton Park v facilities at other grounds. Widespread acceptance that BP facilities were not attracting enough supporters. Suzanne accepted that match day experience was very important. Nigel was regularly inviting away supporters to use the Brunton Park bars. Some grounds are not as welcoming of visiting supporters. There were complaints of slow service and out of date decor in the Sunset Suite. Suzanne said a tuck shop was being introduced in the East Stand to encourage attendance from younger fans. Family area in section 8 to be improved with better stewarding. John Ireland offered to lead on improving match day experience, to be assisted by Ali and Joanne Merrie.
Fans Rep
Questions were asked about the fans rep position which the club had decided to withdraw for next season. The club said they had only 3 applicants despite advertising for the position on four occasions. They had wanted at least 4 on the shortlist. Suzanne said there had been approx. 1,000 votes cast in the election at the start of this season. The club hoped that CUSG could fill the hole left by the withdrawal of the role. The CUOSC board rep would become important in helping too. Suzanne stressed that the club was seeking to be more transparent, but that some things, as in any business, had to remain confidential. For matters pertaining to the strategic direction of the club, including investment, Holdings directors could be invited to attend future CUSG meetings.

Pin Badges
Total sales so far were £1,650 of which £500 is to go to the Flood Appeal. CUSG funds have been boosted by a £2,000 donation from the London Branch 40 Club.  CUSG therefore have £3,150 in the bank to fund projects. There were 175 pin badges left. The next major opportunity for sales would be the CUFC Family Fun Day.

Commentary equipment for blind & partially sighted supporters
Andy had spoken with Portsmouth FC about the best quality equipment available. Prices had been sought and Simon Clarkson (London Branch) would decide on final quote.
Other Business
Andy explained that the club would not release details of pre-season friendlies until all fixtures had been finalised. Barry had a concern about a bottle thrown on to the pitch at the Oxford United game, which had not been reported to the club.
Date/time of next meeting to be finalised by Phil after consultation with CUSG reps.
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